Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Planned renovation... and how I plan on paying for it!

WHAT: A TOTAL DIY kitchen makeover!!! Yes. I am braving the task of doing it myself!

WHEN: ASAP (goal date to begin is March 1!)

HOW MUCH WILL IT COST: I have researched, and researched some more. I have shopped around for everything I want and (while Daniel does NOT think it is possible) I believe I can give my kitchen a makeover for under $1000! Don't believe me? Stay tuned for future blogs of proof!

WHAT I NEED: well... $1000! Daniel told me I could take on this project if it was FULLY funded through my Mary Kay business! I can CERTAINLY accomplish that! And you can help! I need to sell $2000 in products by February 28th to have $1000 in profits to cover the makeover. Next time you are tempted at Wal-Mart to try a new shade of eye shadow, run out of mascara, or need some face wash rush over to www.marykay.com/hannahjones to help yourself and myself out!

WHY: When I think back to my childhood, so much of our time was spent in the kitchen! It was the central room  in the house, opened up to the living room and entry... and where we often found ourselves sitting on bar stools, leaning on the counter, talking to mom as she made dinner. My mother has always had a knack for making every room of the house feel like a home. Her kitchen had cherry red walls, with collectable cans displayed around the ceiling (she now has a country white kitchen that is just as cozy!). I LOVED gathering in that kitchen, and I want to create a kitchen that will hold many memories to come, but I want to have it done BEFORE I have kids! Here are the before pictures and what I plan to do!

Cabinets will be painted WHITE! So fresh!

Counter tops will be replaced with a java color that has flecks of green and cream in it. Bye Bye butcher board!
Walls will be painted a light grey and base boards will be given a fresh coat of paint!
Table may or may not get a paint job. Depends on how it looks with the kitchen once that is done.
A proper feeding station will be designed for our pups!

And the ONLY thing the budget will not cover? Our pink tile. Oh well. I can live with it for a while longer. That is ONE task I will not do myself!

I am really excited to start this project! Help by purchasing your skin care and cosmetics from me in the month of February, host a party, take a sample basket to work, advertise my website on your Facebook... I sure would appreciate it as every dollar spent will bring me that much closer to my renovation!!! WAHOO!!!!!!


  1. Take down the cabinets over the oven, put legs on them/ or float them on other side of stove wall, cover tops with new laminate countertop with an extension maybe for seating. The best thing we did in our kitchen was take down the upper cabinets over the bar, loved seeing the dining area, is used my cabinets in the art room for storage and put tile on top. Works great. I'll be following, love the idea!.
    Pam Chase

  2. Love your ideas. Looking forward to seeing pics as your project progresses. Tip: Make sure you thoroughly wash the cabinets and scuff the clear coat on the cabinets before your prime them.

    Mary Trost
