Monday, May 3, 2010

the dreaded swimsuit

Let's be honest. No one really enjoys swimsuit shopping. We actually dread it. Every now and then we may find that PERFECT swimsuit that fit us perfectly but really it only lasts a few years before you must take that bold step and begin the look for a new one.

What makes it so hard? 4 words:
Cute. Affordable. Flattering. MODEST.

Because this process can be so miserable I prefer to shop online, try them on in the comfort of my own home, and then return the unwanted suits.

In the past I have always ordered from which has been great but pricey. This year I stumbled across a new website that just might be the source of my new favorite suit. Lime Ricki. Check it out for yourself!!!

And for your humor, when searching for modest swim wear I cam across this website W-O-W