Monday, January 18, 2010

Thanks MLK

First of all thank you MLK. It is because of you that I got to sleep in this morning and am getting a day of rest. Hannah has been asking me to post on here so here I sit. Posting but not sure what to post about. I guess i'll just ramble about random things.

First I will talk about the happenings of the last month or so. Adjusting to living out from the roof of my parents has been different. There is quite a bit of volume difference in the house going from living with 9 other to living with 1 other person. I like it.

So I signed up for the MS 150. For those of you who don't know what this is it's a bike ride from Houston to Austin to support those with Multiple Sclerosis (sp?). It's a ride I've heard about for years and have always wanted to do however, I just haven't taken the time to sign up. Well this year I made myself sign up. Cycling is a hobby that each one of you should take up. Maybe if there were more cyclists there would be less people that would honk at them on the road telling them to get onto the sidewalk. If these people only tried to ride 20mph on the sidewalk if you haven't noticed alot of them aren't exactly smooth. Definitly not safe to ride that fast on the sidewalk. Anyway I'm trying to find time to ride more so that I can train for the ride. It's over two days so that's about 75 miles a day which is definitly do able. Just not today. By the way I need to raise 300 dollars for it. Let me know if you would like to support MS research.

I'm listening to Aaron Copland's Ballet Billy the Kid. It's pretty awesome. That's all for now.

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