Thursday, April 29, 2010

what happened to the King Kid's?

Today it hit me. I didn't see it coming. I've known for a while about it, but I guess today it finished sinking in, finished its processing, and struck me upside the head.

My family is all grown up.

I guess I always knew at some point it would happen. We would no longer be the "King Kids" and would soon be known as wives, husbands, mothers, and fathers, with my parents names changing to Grandma and Papa.

It was kind of strange when Sarah got married, exciting and new when she had Isaiah. Thrilling when Kristy married Ric, and exciting yet again when they brought my nephew, Andrew, into the world. I now look at them, both so happy in their marriages playing the role of full-time mom. Probably not quite the same as when we played it as children. Kristy now has two beautiful children- Andrew and Claire, and Sarah and Jacob have three- Isaiah, Melody, and Joshua. They are awesome mothers. Godly wives. Women I look up to, swap recipes and funny stories with, and am blessed to call my sisters and my friends.

I seemed to age significantly (in my own mind at least) when I got married a mere 4 months ago. Like making that life changing commitment suddenly qualified me as an official adult. However, this event STILL didn't set off the realization that my family has grown and changed SO much in the last few years- the realization that we are all grown up.

It happened while on the phone (you should know I just spelt phone as fone. Apparently hooked on phonics does not work for everyone..) with my wonderful, servant-hearted mother. We were discussing how impressed we have been with Leah this past year. Leah the Last. That's how we would refer to her. When I told a friend that Leah will be graduating from high school next month his reply was "Um, I'm pretty sure she is still 8 years old." And she was, in my mind, right up until last August. Not that she acted like an 8 year old, it was just hard to think of her as all grown up. She has blossomed into not just a beautiful woman, but an AMAZING woman and anyone who knows her would agree. Her heart is huge and her love is contagious. It blesses me to be able to describe her that way.

Then there's Mary & Josh. This is really what brings it home. They will both be graduating from college in just 16 days. Josh with a degree in business and Mary with a degree in art. I am so proud of both of them. Josh has grown up so much during college. I'll never forget the first time I realized he was a man and no longer my little brother. It was my last summer working at Pine Cove and I believe that means he would have been just out of his freshman year in college. He surprised me at camp. At first I didn't even recognize him! He was taller, stronger, and confident. Josh is so kind. Not the type of kind that lets others walk over him , but the type that draws you in and makes you feel like someone has gone out of their way to do something special just for you.Oh, Mary. Over the last few years she has grown from my sister to my friend. She is so full of life. Perhaps that is the artist in her. She radiates the joy of the Lord. I see it in her personality, in her style and flare, in her facebook status's, and in her art. She has such an amazing talent and I am SO proud of her. Just see for your self!
This is her interepretation of the transfiguration in Mark 9
You think that's awesome? Check this one out:

I am truly blessed. I can't wait to see who they marry and where God leads them. While it is strange to think of them as adults, it is also exciting. A new chapter in the lives of the King (Moseley, Holt, Jones) family. I can honestly say that my brother and sisters are my best friends. God is so good. And while we are no longer the "King Kids" rest assured that we are still the same goofy bunch at heart.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm a blog failure. I have every intention of writing a regular blog, with fun pictures of life, but unfortunately life is just too busy for that...

Here are a few misc. updates:

Got to meet baby Billy Minchew yesterday. Precious!! So happy for our dear friends. They are going to be awesome parents!!

Only... 23 more days until summer break! LOVE being a teacher!!

I'm growing restless... I need something to work on... something new. I have now taught speech 4 times (twice each school year) and I'm starting to get bored... Trying to think of some ways to spice it up...

Triple date to night with the Hall girls and their boyfriends (who are conveniently Daniel's friends!) So fun!

I have REALLY been missing my family lately, but am looking forward to going home for 2 different weekends next month. Leah will be graduating from high school and Josh & Mary will both be graduating from college. My family is getting old!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sitting here picking out the raisins in my trail mix leaving peanuts, almonds, and m&m's. So at school we are learning music for our pop show. It is a lot more laid back than the rest of the year so that is really nice. We are doing a michael jackson medley, dancing queen, and life is a highway. Less than six weeks of school left. Kinda weird to think that i'll have my first year of teaching under my belt. I can't wait till summer. It's gonna be refreshing.

So this past weekend I rode in the MS 150 which is a bike ride from Houston to Austin. I heard of it when I was in elementary and it's always been something that I've wanted to do, but have just never signed up. So back in october when they had sign up's I just made myself sign up. I didn't train a ton for it, but I did a handful of longer rides, a few spin classes, and my awesome wife bought me a trainer which is this thing I can put my bike on and ride in the house while watching TV. The only downside to the trainer is that I think I sweat more when I'm riding it than when I ride outside, but it's great and I'm really thankful to have it. All in all the ride was definitly do able. Hills were something I wasn't used to, but were fun none the less. I'll definitly have to do it again next year.

Well I should get ready for 6th period.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

reliable cars are worth a million bucks

So our Rodeo has broken down again. Last time it was the transmission, and this time I fear it is the alternator. It is a great SUV with fairly low milage, but those 9 years on it are beginning to get expensive! How much money can you put into a car before it is no longer worth it?

I got to work SUPER early this mornign as a result of Daniel and I having to share the a car. He dropped me off and I'll walk the mile home. Hoping for nice weather this afternoon....

I just sat down and used my extra morning time to plan out the rest of the semester. 7 weeks left! So crazy. Well, a student just walked in to deliver a late speech. Later Gator!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blogging on the go

Everytime I think about wanting to blog I am not home where it is convenient. Today I downloaded an app for my phone so hopefully I'll be blogging shorter blogs on a more regular basis and the long weekly recaps once a weekish. We will see.

In the mean time, please be praying for some sweet friends of my family, the Turners. Their 7 year old boy had surgery yesterday to remove a massive tumor. You can read about it here: